Bible Q & A

Do you know how often Jesus prayed while He walked on earth? None of us know the exact number of prayers, but we can count the ones named in scripture. What does that tell us? We should be prayers, just like our Savior. He only had three years in His ministry. I hope this Q & A inspires you like it has inspired me. Continue reading Bible Q & A

Only Believe

For repost Friday why not revisit a compelling story of darkness meeting the Lord of Light?
Sometimes it’s good to look back down
We’ve come so far – we’ve gained such ground
But joy is not in where we’ve been
Joy is who’s waiting at the end
Songwriters: Mike Hudson. For non-commercial use only. Continue reading Only Believe

Bible Q & A

John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Isaiah 60:1 He who follows me will not walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.” Today’s Bible challenge is focused on creation, but each question has more meaning than just “In the beginning…” Try to answer each question without looking at the answers. … Continue reading Bible Q & A

Bright Hope

Bright Hope. Besides the reminder of an old hymn, what do you think of when you hear that phrase? People who walk with Jesus in a tight bond think of peace, contentment and a promise kept. That’s even with sorrow and hardship engulfing them. Great, indeed, is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me. And how lovely is my Bright Hope, Jesus! Continue reading Bright Hope

Father’s Day

This Father’s Day post is in honor of our Abba, Father, who enables faithful dad’s to stand strong as they teach Truth to their children. The post also recognizes every godly man who is not a dad, but accepts the responsibility to reach out to any child to bring the Gospel of salvation. Continue reading Father’s Day


This repost Friday (originally published 10/27/23) emphasizes the significance of the name of Jesus, portraying its impact on both children and the elderly. It stresses the importance of revering and honoring His name. The message calls for a personal relationship with Jesus and highlights the need for total reverence, as well as following His commandments, to honor God. Continue reading JESUS

Bible Q & A

Today’s Q&A is based on Jesus’ 40-day trial in the wilderness. The Spirit was always with Jesus, but Jesus shows us how to lean on the Spirit when our days grow dark. The Spirit is our Helper. Please read today’s passage before you read the questions. Matthew 4. Continue reading Bible Q & A

Jesus in the Wilderness

Matthew 4:1 & 2 describes Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness after fasting for forty days. Led by the Spirit, Jesus faced temptation to illustrate his mission and teach believers to overcome temptation. Jesus, as a human, resisted Satan despite hunger and weariness. The experience shows the vulnerability to sinful behaviors and the importance of relying on God’s Word. Each time Satan tempted him, Jesus responded with scripture. Testing by God is distinct from temptation and serves the spiritual growth of believers. This ordeal demonstrates God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity. For more insight, read Colossians 2:13-14 and visit resources for further understanding. Continue reading Jesus in the Wilderness

Set Apart

Leviticus 11:44 For I am Yahweh your God. Sanctify yourselves therefore and be holy; for I am holy…  WEB There is an old hymn that has been sung in the church for many years and has such meaning for every committed believer. “Take My Life and Let it Be.”1 If every believer would seriously model … Continue reading Set Apart